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Homemade Icons

Handmade icons made to fit the look and feel of my own style.

Who: Myself.

What: Icons.

Why: To improve my symbol library, and have fun making icons.

Role: Icon designer.

Tools: Figma, iPad. 

When: March, 2023. Ongoing.

You can grab stickers, clothes, and more with icons in my print on demand shop. I'm exploring how to make these icons available to use for anyone. Do you have experience with icon libraries? Say hi, hei@joacimeldre.com.

Almost, but different

What do you do when you need an icon to explain a unique function in your product, and the icon need to fit your style? There's a chance that the icon library you normally use, won't fit this time.

I make custom icons for products, you can see some below.

Icons: Heart, skull, robot, game controller, bomb, diamond, lollipop, candy, ghost
Icons: Beach ball, sand castle, ice cream, conch, palm island, donut, flip flops, rubber duck, drink
Icons: Shield, hourglass, sword, magic wand, crystall ball, wizard hat, key, eye, DND dice
Icons: Stairway in door, popsicle, handheld game console, bear, house and garden, carrot, coffee cup, potted plant, calendar
Icons: Pine tree, gingerbread person, ornament, wooly hat, stocking, scarf, present, snowflake, candy cane