A collection of logos that inspire and delight me.

Trapeze written in sans serif letters, formed like a trapeze
The silhouette of a stylistic cat, with Github written underneath
Cult written with tight and sharp edged letters
Sharpie written with flowing, handwritten letters
H and W intertwined, making up a face with an eye, nose, and smile, Hiwarp written with wobbly, sharp edged letters
A smiling face in profile, the mouth is an upward curving arrow, with Se Lukt Smak (see, smell, taste) written in a sans serif letters underneath
Ginger Joe written with bold, dingy letters, an orange (ginger) moustache below, with flames at the ends
A swirl that looks like fire and a fox tail, with Firefox written in sans serif letters
An owl with open wings on a skateboard, Healthyco written across the owl body and wings in sans serif letters
A lightbulb with gears in the silhouette with a star in orbit, Industrial Light and Magic written in serif letters to the right
A burger with rounded buns, Burger King written in rounded sans serif upper case letters inside the buns, as if it is the meat
Mister Brownie written in playful sans serif letters, a man with a bowler hat, moustache, and monocle to the right of mister
A yeti standing with their tongue out, Massive Monster written in wobbly, square, upper case letters
Two Nintendo joy con controllers, Nintendo Switch written in sans serif upper case letters below
Totally Handy written in playful, scratchy sans serif letters, the O is shaped as a cog, and the A's have lines under them
A double headed flying baby, Double Fine written in serif upper case letters on a banner below
Lost In Cult written in upper case sans serif wobbly straight edged letters
A weird see through house that look like a tent, with tiny wormy creatures inside the rooms, Paper House written in upper case sans serif letters below
A bolt and a nut, looking like a T and O, Teenage Engineering logo
Playdate written in lower case serif letters
A one eyed monster that stand on two legs, one hand scratching it's head, Thinky Games written in sans serif upper case letters to the right
Koto written in sans serif upper case letters, the T is upside down, OTO looks like eyes and a nose, with a smiling line below, looking like a mouth, forming a face
A dog laying, a cat sits on top, AniCura written in serif capital case letters
The original written in a playful sans serif letters, Oatly! written in sans serif letters
A small bird sits perked atop a U, Kuku written in geometric shapes, Studios written in sans serif letters
A polecat stretching its back legs, a crown over its head, Finji written in capital sans serif letters
A yeti symbol, logo for The Yetee
A big eyed skull with an open jaw made up of polygons, Day of the Devs in sans serif lettering written beneath
God Morgon (good morning) written in bold sans serif letters, the last O is shaped like a simplified orange
A house shape with a smiling face on it, Wilmot Works It Out written in capital rounded sans serif letters
Insomniac Games written in a sans serif font, the O is made up of two half moon shapes
Death's Door written in capital case serif letters, the main character from the video game is used to cut out the bottom of the filled A shape
Meute written in capital sans serif letters, a symbol made up of all the letters with with an enclosed U shape as the silhouette